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The New Rainsuit

By: Dennis Reynolds, BFC National Elder

Back in late 2021, five brothers and I took a week off work and just went for a ride. While we did have a couple of destinations in mind, the plan was to wake up every day, pick a direction, and roll out.

We started our trip by heading up into Kentucky with plans to visit the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. Since I am a Christian and Baptist minister, both of those destinations had been on my bucket list for quite some time.

On day two, we toured a giant replica of what Noah’s Ark would look like based on dimensions and building materials found in the Bible. There are no words to describe how awesome this experience was for me! After an early breakfast, the next morning we headed 45 miles north to the Creation Museum. Again, an AMAZING day!

We had discussed our next stop during supper the night before. Ultimately, we decided to ride south to Nashville, TN and pick up the Natchez Trace Parkway.

As we were leaving the Creation Museum, we began to encounter a light drizzle. Always cautious, and seeing rain forecasted in the direction where we were headed, the group stopped and donned rain gear.

My rainsuit of choice is the fluorescent orange and black, two-hundred-dollar Harley Davidson version. While I had tried many different rainsuits in the past, this one seemed to work the best. The suit had served me well for nearly ten years, and I assumed it would last another ten.

This was not to be.

Initially, the light drizzle was no big deal. I rode happily along, wiping my face shield every so often so my vision would not be impaired, and was enjoying the ride. Then, the rain began to get worse.

Within thirty minutes, the light drizzle had been replaced by a torrential downpour! Water was ponding on the roadway and visibility was limited to just a few feet in front of the motorcycles. I was beginning to wonder if I would see animals lining up two-by-two and walking back toward the Ark we had left in Kentucky!

At first, as it had always done, my rainsuit was keeping me dry. Then, I began to feel some water creeping through to the seat of my pants. This was somewhat uncomfortable, but not intolerable. Next, water sneaked down my shirt, which bothered me even more. When it was all said and done, I was soaked.

I was still not convinced I needed a new suit. I bought seam sealer, and some kind of spray stuff hoping to repair the rainsuit, but on the very next trip, it failed me again.

Now, I am very frugal… My wife has another word for me, CHEAP!

Because of my lack of wanting to spend another two hundred bucks, I dealt with that leaky rainsuit for the next two years. With every road trip, poker run, and biker benefit, the leaks got worse. Then, on a trip home from Richmond VA, I’d had enough! I was tired of being wet and miserable.

Earlier this year, I walked into the Greenville, SC Harley Davidson dealer with one purpose in mind, to buy a new rainsuit. The sales associate assisted me in picking one out, I walked up to the register, and begrudgingly slapped my card on the counter!

Fast forward to Memorial Day weekend 2023. We were headed home from “Rolling to Remember” in DC in a horrible rainstorm, and I was once again nice and dry. Why had I waited so long? Why had I continued down the same path knowing the results would not change? All I had to do was go get another one and all would be well. 

The solution to my problem was as easy as buying a new suit, but because I was stubborn and greedy, I refused. When I finally made the change, my ride was so much better.

We as people do this all the time. We willfully continue down the wrong path, fully aware of the disastrous results, until we have made a miserable mess of our lives. Whether it be pride, selfishness, greed, or whatever else, we make no effort to change.

Just as that sales associate directed me to where I needed to go to solve my problem, Jesus Christ stands ready to lead us down the righteous path. No matter how many bad decisions we have made, no matter how long we have run away from him, He stands ready with open arms to lead us to Salvation.

Are you tired of that same old road you’re traveling? Why not make a change? Jesus is waiting to help you live your best life today!

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life!” Romans 6:23

Bikers For Christ M/M
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Anderson, CA 96007

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