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Ministry Guidelines

You must be a Bible-believing Christian (male or female) and must be a member of and consistent attendee of a Bible-believing, Christian church. Members of controversial or heretical churches and cults do not qualify for membership in BFC MM. Contact us for more details about this.

You must own and ride a motorcycle: 500cc or larger. Spouses who are only passengers may also apply.

You must have a desire to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You must make a covenant before God, yourself and us that you will not engage in drunkenness, use illegal drugs, or participate in illegal, immoral, or unethical practices (including crude language or swearing) or sowing discord as a member of this ministry.

You must not let others wear your BFC MM colors or do anything to discredit Christianity or your brothers and sisters in Christ. It is between you and God, so be faithful to Him. We won’t follow you around, but we pray that you won’t wear your BFC MM colors if you aren’t walking right.

Please read the following scriptures to give you a better understanding of these requirements. If you become a member of Bikers for Christ you will be accountable to God for your decisions and actions:

  • Hebrews 4:12-16 – Nothing is hidden from God.
  • Ephesians 5:1-21 – Standards for Godly living.
  • Romans 6:1-23 – Dead to sin, alive in Christ.

This is serious business so please burn these scriptures into your heart.

If you are discovered participating in any of the above prohibited practices, or if you leave active membership, we will ask for the patch back.

If your patch privileges are revoked, we will hang it up for you and hold it until you get things straightened out. No money will be refunded. We ask you to be honest with yourself, God and us in these matters.

Bikers For Christ M/M
PO Box 12
Anderson, CA 96007

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